Through the “Adult Learner: Bloom’s Taxonomy – Cognitive Domain” workshop, you will discover the specifics of how the cognitive domain increases intellectual capability.
What you’ll learn
- Understand Bloom’s Taxonomy
- Explain the cognitive domain
- Explore the two cognitive domains
- Explain types of knowledge
- Identify training in the cognitive domain
With our Adult Learning – Physcal Skills workshop, your participants will discover how to better navigate their physical environment. The understanding and coordination of physical skills provides an incredible benefit to everyone.
What you’ll learn
- Understand Bloom’s Taxonomy
- Explain the psychomotor domain
- Explore the different psychomotor taxonomies
- Explain ways to implement training in the psychomotor domain
- Identify psychomotor activities
Anger can be an incredibly damaging force, costing people their jobs, personal relationships, and even their lives when it gets out of hand. However, since everyone experiences anger, it is important to have constructive approaches to manage it effectively. The Anger Management workshop will help teach participants how to identify their anger triggers and what to do when they get angry.
What you’ll learn
- Understand anger dynamics in terms of the anger cycle and the fight and flight theory.
- Know common anger myths and their factual refutations.
- Know the helpful and unhelpful ways of dealing with anger.
- Understand the difference between objective and subjective language.
- Know tips in identifying the problem.
Attention Management is a useful skill that allows managers to connect with their employees on an emotional level and motivate them to focus on their work and how to reach their personal and company goals. Your participants will gain valuable insight and strategies into what it takes to be more attentive and vigilant.
What you’ll learn
- Define and understand attention management.
- Identify different types of attention.
- Create strategies for goals and SMART goals.
- Be familiar with methods that focus attention..
- Put an end to procrastination.
Through this workshop you will begin to see how important it is to develop better managerial skills. By managing and looking at the way people interact and seeing things in a new light, your participants will improve on almost every aspect of their career.
Workshop Objectives:
⦁ Understand how to develop leadership qualities
⦁ Know how to delegate effectively
⦁ Choose inspirational and engaging tasks for yourself and others
⦁ Use wisdom and understanding to lead others
⦁ Identify the roles of your team -
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Become a more rational and disciplined thinker 💡
- Understand the components of critical thinking
- Utilize non-linear thinking
- Use logical thinking
- Recognize what it means to be a critical thinker
- Evaluate information using critical thinking skills
- Identify the benefits of critical thinking
- Revise perspective, when necessary
- Comprehend problem solving abilities
Learn how to be emotionally intelligent 🧠🎭 to lead a happier and better-balanced life.
• Define and practice self-management, self-awareness, self-regulation, self-motivation, and empathy.
• Understand, use and manage your emotions.
• Verbally communicate with others.
• Successfully communicate with others in a non-verbal manner.
• Identify the benefits of emotional intelligence.
• Relate emotional intelligence to the workplace.
• Balance optimism and pessimism.
• Effectively impact others. -
What does the phrase “emotional intelligence in the workplace” encompass? There are five main areas of focus that are included in most studies:
⦁ Self-awareness – of emotions and self-worth, and confidence in one’s abilities.
⦁ Self-regulation – of emotions, standards of honesty, and adaptability.
⦁ Motivation – drive to achieve goals, commitment, and initiative.
⦁ Empathy – high sense of diversity, compassion, and is driven to assist others.
⦁ Social Skills – skills in conflict management, communication, and leadership. -
Our Goal Setting and Getting Things Done workshop will cover strategies to help your participants overcome procrastination. These skills will translate into increased satisfaction in their professional and personal lives. Your participants will learn the Goal Setting characteristics of successful people and in turn will become happier and more productive individuals.
What you’ll learn
- Overcome procrastination
- Manage time effectively
- Accomplish important tasks
- Self-motivate
- Create SMART goals
Improving Mindfulness workshop, your participants will begin to identify their own patterns of thinking. As they learn to practice mindfulness, they will cultivate positive emotions that will have a dramatic effect on the work environment.
What you’ll learn
- Define mindfulness
- Develop techniques to make oneself more attuned to the present moment
- Understand the value and utility of one’s emotions
- Learn how to identify and counter distorted thinking
- Learn how to cultivate genuine positive emotions
- Become more fully present in social interactions
With the Deepening Self Awareness workshop, your participants will learn how beneficial becoming more self aware can be. A highly self aware person will become more equipped to deal with daily life and its challenges. Through this workshop, your participants will gain a new perspective on themselves and their emotions, and become a valuable member to society.
What you’ll learn
- Define the self and different aspects of the self
- Learn from introspection
- Understand the nature and value of emotions
- Appreciate themselves
- Appreciate others
- Improve effectiveness
With our Increasing Your Happiness workshop your participants will engage in unique and helpful ways to increase their happiness. This will have a robust effect on their professional and personal lives. It will improve their communication skills, increase productivity, and lesson absenteeism.
What you’ll learn
- Discuss how planning ahead cultivates workplace happiness
- Create a nightly routine and daily plan
- Relate more effectively to others in the workplace
- Understand how the workspace environment impacts happiness
- Think more positively
- Take actions that will create greater workplace happiness