Content is the king of Internet marketing, and you will need to know how to utilize your great content. If you want your business to grow then you need to understand Internet Marketing Fundamentals.
Our Internet Marketing Fundamentals course will provide your participants with a great set of skills to market your business online. Content is the king of Internet marketing, and your participants will need to know how to utilize your great content. If you want your business to grow then your participants need to understand Internet Marketing Fundamentals.
Workshop Objectives
⦁ Know how to conduct market research
⦁ Develop a workable internet marketing campaign
⦁ Recognize your target market
⦁ Understand your brand
⦁ Grasp SEO and website characteristics
⦁ Find and capture leads
Content is the king of Internet marketing, and you will need to know how to utilize your great content. If you want your business to grow then you need to understand Internet Marketing Fundamentals.